
The free wireless internet connection of the Municipality of Heraklion is an effort of the Municipality to provide broadband infrastructure to citizens and visitors. The network was launched in early 2007 with the installation of 20 wireless access points in:

  • central squares and
  • roads as well
  • in public communal spaces of the Municipality of Heraklion.

From the beginning of 2013:

  • has doubled the total speed of the wireless network to the Internet with VDSL lines, and
  • the number of access points has increased.

About 90 wireless access points are located at:

  • squares,
  • parks,
  • roads and
  • Heraklion areas

Citizens as well as city visitors can connect free of charge to the Internet via mobile wi-fi. By the end of summer 2013 the installed access points will reach 110 and the connection speed will increase further.

In addition, the network provides an infrastructure to exploit new and innovative services that promote city tourism, as well as services designed to provide citizens with real-time information on public transport and traffic.

Read more here.